رغيد جابر يطلق”حقي رجعلي”..وهذا ما قاله عن ديو مع هؤلاء النجوم!

أطلق الفنان رغيد جابر عمله الجديد “حقي رجعلي” من كلمات الشاعر ايهاب روزا وألحان مصعب الخطيب وميكس وماسترينغ عنان أبو زيدان.

وفي حديث خاص لموقعنا كشف رغيد أن موضوع الأغنية يتناول عودة شخص لحبيبه نادمًا باكيًا بعد ان تركه لكن الحبيب يكذب دموعه ويرفض مسامحته على ما تسبب له به من جراح ليقرر أن يأخذ حقه منه بنسيانه له ليعيش نفس العذاب الذي سبّبه له.
ونالت الأغنية إعجاب كل من استمع اليها حيث حققت نسبة مشاهدات مرتفعة عبر اليوتيوب ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي كما ووصل الكثير من رسائل التشجيع والمديح لرغيد من فنانين وموسيقيين وجمهور.

واعرب رغيد عن ارتياحه الكبير لتعاونه مع طاقم العمل المحترف، حيث شكر بشكل خاص كاتب كلمات الاغنية الاستاذ ايهاب روزا الذي بدوره شجعه وزوّده بتوجيهاته البناءة،
بالإضافة للملحن مصعب الخطيب والموزع الاستاذ عنان ابو زيدان الذي دعمه ايضًا، وطاقم التصوير المؤلف من جلاء دغش وشحادة فرج، كما توجه بشكر خاص للاستاذ نيكولا مطر على دعمه.

وتمنى رغيد أن يقدم في المستقبل ديو مع مروان خوري وملحم زين وآدم حيث اعتبر أن التعاون معهم يشكل فرصة استسثنائية لو قدّر له ذلك، كما والفنانين ناصيف زيتون والشامي.

يحضّر رغيد لإصدار اغانٍ جديدة في الفترة المقبلة كما ولإحياء سلسلة من الحفلات في انحاء الوطن العربي.

وختم رغيد موجهاً تحية للشعب اللبناني الراقي والداعم للفن حيث أن لبنان هو بلد الفن الاصيل والموسيقى الرائعة ومنه انطلق ولمع أرقى الفنانين الذين حققوا النجاح تلو الإخر في كل أنحاء العالم العربي، متمنياً للبنان وشعبه كل السلام والإزدهار.

Reviving the Glory: Melhem Zein’s Captivating Performances Illuminate the Baalbeck International Festival

The Lebanese superstar “Melhem Zein”, the son of Baalbeck, enthralled the audience of the Baalbeck International Festival with his singing, mesmerizing them with his music, dance, and joy, leaving them with wonderful memories and returning the old structures of Baalbeck to their previous splendor. “It is an honor for me to stand on the stage of this great monument, where my first inspiration and first love, Baalbeck the city of the sun emerged,” Melhem Zein remarked.

By performing around 20 of his best songs, and with his powerful and beautiful voice, Melhem Zein carried the audience to a realm of romance and dreams (Nami, Inti Mashiiti, Mamonak Ana) and then to a sense of pride in their homeland and its army (Helm Al-Ard). He also took them on a folkloric joy voyage and the legendary Baalbecki Dabke (Alawah, Gheibi Ya Shams, Ala Ayn Moulayite, Ya Zghiri…), demonstrating his amazing talent and touching emotions with the beauty of his voice. The audience’s emotions were captured as the stage vibrated with his popular melodies.

The Al Majd Performance Group, led by artist Khaled Al-Naboush, accompanied Melhem Zein on the second night, giving a blend of legacy, authenticity, and the Lebanese traditional touch to the magical evening. However, for unknown reasons, the Majd Performance Group was not present on the first night, exclusive to the people of Baalbeck.

Melhem Zein’s performances at the Baalbeck International Festival were nothing short of spectacular. He skillfully transported the audience into a world of romance, pride, and folklore joy with his powerful voice, captivating stage presence, and repertoire of lovely tunes. His performances created an indelible effect on the audience and restored the glory and grandeur of the ancient Baalbeck architecture.

Melhem Zein’s love for his city and profound connection with the audience shone through the two evenings, making it an unforgettable experience for everybody. Al Majd Performance Group’s involvement on the second night offered another dimension of cultural richness and boosted the overall mood of the event. The Baalbeck International Festival will surely be remembered for Melhem Zein’s outstanding performances, which reaffirmed the festival’s status as a significant cultural event.

Photos: Wael Hamze ©

Fenix Production "Heartbeat"
Fenix Production Celebrates its Launch with New Song “Heartbeat”

Phoenix Co. Holding, represented by its founder and CEO, Engineer Ali Attari, celebrated the launch of its new subsidiary, Fenix Production, with the release of its first music video, “Heartbeat,” featuring the talented singer Maggie Barakat. The event was attended by notable figures in the arts, media, and society who Engineer Ali Tatari welcomed. He spoke about the challenges faced by the company due to the difficult circumstances of the past few years, including the economic, political, and health crises. However, despite the obstacles, the company rose from the ashes like a phoenix, determined to bring hope and innovation to the industry.

During the event, the audience was treated to a showcase of the company’s upcoming projects, including the songs “Mesh” and “The New Style” and a dance performance featuring the music video “Heartbeat,” produced by Fenix Production. The evening concluded with a cocktail reception and cake-cutting ceremony.

Ali Tatari

The Phoenix Co. Holding was founded in 2010 and has branches worldwide, including China, Africa, and soon in Indonesia and Qatar. The company is known for its unique vision, which sets it apart from other businesses, investing in fresh ideas from talented individuals and new graduates. Fenix Production has made a mark in the music industry by creating a fusion of Eastern and Western music styles. The company boasts a roster of talented artists from different genres, including Eastern and Western pop, folk, and tarab, and has signed on a number of top-tier artists.

Fenix Production has also established two production departments: one for film and one for music. The film production department is currently working on a suspense/action movie, inspired by a true story with a compelling and engaging plot, and running between 80 to 90 minutes. The movie promises to resonate with audiences and will be released on Netflix, making it the first Lebanese production to compete with Western films on the global streaming platform.

Phoenix Production’s launch of Fenix Production and the release of “Heartbeat” are a testament to the company’s commitment to innovation and creativity. It is an exciting time for the music and film industry, and Fenix Production promises to bring a fresh perspective and a new level of quality to the industry. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this dynamic company.