Copyright in Lebanon
Copyright Issues in Lebanon: Challenges and Recommendations for Journalists and Photographers

Copyright law provides a framework for protecting the rights of creators and owners of original works, including journalists and photographers. However, in Lebanon, the financial crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, politics, and other factors have created a challenging environment for media professionals looking to protect their work and their rights. In this article, we will examine the state of copyright in media in Lebanon, the challenges faced by journalists and photographers, and provide recommendations for safeguarding their work.

Copyright in Media in Lebanon

Copyright law in Lebanon is governed by the Lebanese Intellectual Property Law (LIPL), which provides protection for original works of authorship, including literary, artistic, and scientific works. The LIPL defines copyright as the exclusive right of the author or creator to exploit, produce, and dispose of a work, as well as to authorize others to do so. This includes the right to make copies of the work, distribute it to the public, and make adaptations or other derivatives.

Challenges Facing Journalists and Photographers

Despite the protections afforded by copyright law in Lebanon, journalists and photographers face significant challenges in protecting their work and enforcing their rights. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of resources and infrastructure for monitoring and enforcing copyright violations, especially in the digital space. This has made it difficult for journalists and photographers to know when their work is being used without proper licensing or compensation, and to take action to protect their rights.

In addition, there is a general lack of awareness among media consumers about the importance of respecting copyright and the extent to which it is acceptable to use others’ work for news reporting or commentary purposes. This has contributed to increased copyright violations, especially in the online space, where information is shared and re-shared quickly and easily.

The Effect of Online News Sites on Copyright

The rise of online news sites has had a major impact on copyright in the media industry in Lebanon. With the growth of the internet and the ease of sharing information online, it has become easier for individuals and organizations to share the work of others without proper attribution or compensation. This has led to an increase in the number of copyright violations in the online news space, as journalists and photographers struggle to protect their work and their rights.

One particular challenge is the use of automated content aggregators and other algorithms that collect and distribute news articles and images without proper licensing or compensation. This has made it difficult for journalists and photographers to monitor the use of their work and to take action when it is being misused. It has also created confusion around the definition of “fair use” and the extent to which individuals and organizations are allowed to use others’ work for news reporting or commentary purposes.

The Effect of Social Media on Copyright

Social media has also had a significant impact on copyright in Lebanon. With the ease of sharing information and images on social media platforms, it has become easier for individuals to steal the work of others and add their own watermark or signature. This has led to an increase in the number of copyright violations on social media, as journalists and photographers struggle to protect their work and their rights.

The ethics of journalism and photography play a big role in this issue, as it is important for journalists and photographers to respect the rights of others and to ensure that their work is properly attributed and licensed. However, in the fast-paced and competitive world of social media, it can be difficult for journalists and photographers to keep up with the use of their work, and to take action when it is being misused.

Recommendations for Safeguarding Copyright

Given the challenges faced by journalists and photographers in protecting their work and their rights in Lebanon, it is important to take steps to safeguard their copyright. Below are some recommendations that journalists and photographers can follow to better protect their work:

  • Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest developments in copyright law, both in Lebanon and internationally. This will help you understand your rights and the best ways to protect them.
  • Use Watermarks and Signatures: Adding a watermark or signature to your work can help to protect it from theft and unauthorized use.
  • Monitor Your Work: Use online tools and services to monitor the use of your work online, and to identify any potential violations of your rights.
  • Take Action: If you believe that your work has been used without proper licensing or compensation, take action to protect your rights. This may include contacting the individual or organization responsible or seeking legal advice.
  • Join Professional Organizations: Joining professional organizations, such as the Lebanese Syndicate of Journalists or the Lebanese Photographer’s Association, can provide you with support, resources, and opportunities to advocate for your rights.

By following these recommendations, journalists and photographers can better protect their work and their rights in Lebanon. However, it is important to note that the challenges faced by media professionals in the country are complex and multifaceted, and will require a comprehensive and sustained effort to address.

In conclusion, the financial crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, politics, and the growth of online news sites and social media have created a challenging environment for journalists and photographers in Lebanon. However, by staying informed, using tools and resources to protect their work, and taking action when necessary, journalists and photographers can better safeguard their copyright and their rights.

Streaming in the Shadows: The Dark Side of Live Streaming in Lebanon & Arab Countries and its Impact on Women
Streaming in the Shadows: The Dark Side of Live Streaming in Lebanon & Arab Countries and its Impact on Women

Live streaming is the real-time transmission of video and audio content over the internet. It allows users to broadcast live footage from their computer or mobile device to a global audience via platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, and Tango. Live streaming can be used for various purposes, including entertainment, education, and communication. However, it can also be used for negative connotations, such as the exploitation of vulnerable individuals. In fact, live streaming has been used for various forms of exploitation, including sex live shows, where wealthy individuals can pay for sexual services. This is a disturbing trend that has particularly affected poor, vulnerable girls and women, who may be lured into these activities with promises of money or other incentives.

In many Arab countries, such as Lebanon, live streaming has been used to break down cultural and ethical barriers, leading to a rise in sexually explicit content and an increase in the sexual exploitation of women. This is particularly concerning as many of these cultures have strict social norms around sexuality, and this type of content can be seen as highly taboo.

One of the main reasons behind the rise of live streaming in Arab countries is the lack of regulation and oversight. These platforms are often not subject to the same laws and regulations as traditional forms of media, and this has led to a proliferation of illegal and exploitative content.

Furthermore, live streaming can provide anonymity for both the buyer and the seller, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to track and prosecute these crimes. This anonymity also makes it easier for criminals to exploit young girls and women and make them believe that no one will find out about their activities.

Many victims of cybersex trafficking are lured into these activities with promises of money or other incentives. The traffickers target individuals who may be struggling financially, and the promise of money, new phones, cars, and other luxuries can be a powerful incentive for them to participate in these activities. The traffickers target also other types of vulnerable individuals, such as those who have experienced previous abuse or trauma. They may also target individuals who have limited job opportunities or educational prospects. This type of exploitation is a form of modern slavery, where individuals are forced or coerced into performing sexual acts for the financial gain of others.

In countries like Lebanon, the economic crisis has made it even more difficult for individuals to make ends meet, and the promise of financial gain can be even more alluring. The financial crisis in Lebanon and other Arab countries has increased the number of individuals who are living in poverty, and this has led to a rise in cybersex trafficking as more and more people turn to live streaming as a means of survival.

It’s important to note that the financial gain from live-streaming exploitation is often short-lived and does not provide a sustainable solution for these individuals. Many victims of cybersex trafficking find themselves trapped in a cycle of exploitation, and their financial struggles may actually become worse as a result of their involvement in these activities. The financial gain may also lead to other negative effects like the loss of their culture, tradition, ethics, and values, and also the loss of their safety and well-being. Victims may also experience severe trauma and long-term psychological damage, they may also face social stigmatization and rejection from their communities.

Moreover, the cultural and social taboos in Arab countries can make it difficult for victims to speak out about their experiences and seek help, leaving them trapped in a cycle of exploitation. It’s essential to raise awareness and educate people about the dangers and risks associated with live streaming and to provide support for victims of exploitation.

It is important for the government and society to take action and put in place regulations and laws to protect vulnerable individuals from these crimes and to provide support for victims of exploitation. It’s important to work on providing education and awareness campaigns to raise awareness of the dangers and risks associated with live streaming and to provide support for victims of exploitation.

In conclusion, the rise of live streaming in Arab countries has led to a disturbing trend of sexual exploitation, particularly of poor and vulnerable girls and women. The promise of financial gain can be a major factor in luring poor, vulnerable girls and women into live-streaming exploitation. The financial crisis in Lebanon and other Arab countries has increased the number of individuals who are living in poverty, which has led to a rise in cybersex trafficking. It’s important to recognize the dangers and risks associated with live streaming, to take action to protect vulnerable individuals, and to provide support for victims of exploitation.

إضراب تحذيري لموظّفي وزارة الاتصالات: إذا لم نلمس أي تقدم سنتخذ خطوات تصعيدية

بدأ موظفو وزارة الاتصالات اليوم الثلاثاء إضرابًا تحذيريًا، وأقفلوا صناديق القبض وتوقفوا عن العمل وتجمعوا أمام سنترال الميناء الرئيسي في شمال لبنان.

وتحدث إبراهيم النحال باسم الموظفين مؤكدًا أن “إضرابنا اليوم هو خطوة تحذيرية لكل القيّمين على رواتبنا المستحقة”، لافتًا إلى أنّ “هدف هذا الإضراب هو تحصيل حق الموظف براتب شهري يسد جوعه لأننا وصلنا إلى مرحلة صعبة لم تعد تطاق”.

وطالب النحال “بالرواتب المحتجزة لدى وزارة المال، التي لم تقم بأي خطوة لتحريك هذه الرواتب وتحويلها إلى حساباتنا في المصارف”، مشيرًا إلى أن “موظفي الإدارات العامة تقاضوا رواتبهم من المصارف على سعر صيرفة 31،000، أما موظفو وزارة الاتصالات فلم يتقاضوا رواتبهم بعد”. وقال: “إذا لم نلمس أي تقدم بهذا الاتجاه، سيكون لنا خطوات تصعيدية أخرى”.

من جهته، أعلن رئيس الاتحاد العمالي العام في الشمال شادي السيد عن تضامنه مع المعتصمين، مؤكدًا أن “التحرك اليوم هو بمثابة إنذار لوزارة المالية للمطالبة بالإفراج عن رواتب الموظفين بأسرع وقت، قبل أن نصل إلى خطوات تصعيدية لا تحمد عقباها”. ودعا السيد “الحكومة إلى الاجتماع وإقرار المراسيم التطبيقية المتعلقة بحقوق الموظفين، لأننا وصلنا إلى شفير الهاوية ولا أحد يعلم ما هي العواقب المرتقبة في حال استمرّ اللعب بلقمة عيش الموظفين”.