هل أصبح خيار الاعتذار هو الأقرب أمام الرئيس ميقاتي؟
الرئيسان ميشال عون ونجيب ميقاتي

منذ تكليفه والرئيس ميقاتي يحاول أن ينشر الإيجابية في جميع تصريحاته حول موضوع تأليف الحكومة، هذا التشكيل وإن بدا في السابق مسألة أيام وساعات معدودة، أصبح اليوم بحاجة لعملية جراحية دقيقة لتأمينه.

إذن، وبعد فترة من الهدنة والتي انعكست إيجابًا على سعر صرف الدولار الذي وصل لحدود ال ٢٥,٠٠٠ ليرة لبنانية بعد اعتذار الرئيس سعد الحريري، ليستقر بعد تأليف الرئيس ميقاتي بين ال ١٩,٠٠٠ وال ٢٠,٠٠٠ ليرة لبنانية.

اليوم ومع بروز العقد الحكومية التي قد تكون تخفي وراءها سوء نيّة وعدم رغبة في التأليف أو ربما أطماع للمقرّبين، إلا أنها بالتأكيد بدأت توحي للّبنانيين بقرب فرط اللقاءات وبالتالي الاعتذار القريب.

الأكيد أن الأيام القليلة المقبلة تحمل جميع الأجوبة بخصوص تأليف الحكومة، ووضع الليرة اللبنانية، ورفع الدعم والكثير من المواضيع التي تؤرق راحة اللبنانيين.

“محمد إسماعيل”

Al Jadeed: Judge Bitar issued a note to bring Hassan Diab and set a date of September 20th for hearing.

According to Al-Jadeed Channel, the criminal investigator in the case of the explosion of Beirut port, Judge Bitar, considered there was no legal value for the responding of the Council of Ministers regarding his incompetence to question the re-examination of the re-resident government, Hassan Diab. He issued a note against him and set a date of September 20th for hearing.

Berri in response to Bassil: No one threatens the Parliament and those who want to resign let them do it.

Speaker Nabih Berri, responded to MP Jabran Basil, in an intervention during the session of the House of Representatives, saying, “What is anyone threatening the Parliament .” Who wants to resign, let’s get on. I do not accept any threat to the House of Assembly at all.”

Al-Jadeed channel reported that “a controversy between Berri and Basil during the meeting, where Bassil said: “Non’t taking a decision, position or action at the end of this meeting means that the Council abandoned its role and put us before the decision to resign”

Diab called on the international community to take measures that preserve the Lebanese sovereignty and protect UN Resolution 1701

Caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab asked Foreign Minister Zina Akar to instruct the Lebanese delegate to the United Nations, Amal Mudallali, to file an urgent complaint against the Israeli enemy, which violated Lebanese sovereignty, endangered the safety of civil aviation, and threatened the lives of civilian passengers. Lebanese and foreigners, directly at risk. Diab stressed that the Israeli enemy’s continued violation of the Lebanese sovereignty constitutes a direct threat to UN Resolution 1701.

Diab called on the United Nations and the international community to condemn Israeli aggression and take measures that preserve Lebanese sovereignty and protect UN Resolution 1701.

Abo Shakra: Ships cannot unload fuel as a result of the dispute over opening credits

The representative of fuel distributors in Lebanon, Fadi Abu Chakra, attributed the cause of the fuel crisis, and Coral’s intention, among several other companies, to close its stations in all Lebanon as of today, to “the inability of the ships that have been waiting since Almost a month at sea, and it cannot empty the quantities of imported fuel, as a result of the dispute over the issue of opening credits between the “Banque du Liban,” which seeks to implement the decision to lift subsidies on fuel, and therefore the new price, and the government through the Ministry of Energy and Water Which is still rejecting, and wants to keep things according to the current situation.”

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